
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"The Hot Zone": The Deadly Truth (Book Report on The Hot Zone with quotes)

In October of 1989, Macaque monkeys, housed at the Reston Primate Quarantine Unit in Reston, Virginia, began death from a mysterious disease at an alarming rate. The dotty monkeys, imported from the Philippines, were to be sold as laboratory animals. deuce were dead upon arrival, and twenty-nine of a shipment of one light speed died within a month. Dan Dalgard, the veterinarian who cared for the monkeys, feared they were dying from Simian haemorrhagic Fever, a disease lethal to monkeys, moreover harmless to humans. Dr. Dalgard trenchant to en magnetic inclination the aid of the United States Army Medical investigate Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) to help diagnose the cause. On November 18, Dr. shit Jahlring, of USAMRIID was in his lab testing a virus goal from the monkeys and much to his horror, the blood tested positive for the deadly Ebola congou virus... Or so he thought. Later, scientists at the USAMRIID found that it wasnt Zaire, but in fact a new strain of Ebola, which they named Ebola Reston. This was added to the list of strains: Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan, and now, Ebola Reston, which are all lethal level four viruses that live no vaccines.

This is the story that Richard Preston composed into the novel, The Hot Zone.

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My dearie elements of the book are the descriptions and the story behind the virus. It gives me a perceive of background and makes the story a little more personalised; like it could happen to me. I also (grossly enough) am spell-bound by the descriptions of the people dying from the virus. When victims crash and bleed it government agency the virus has attacked every organ in the body by transforming it into a slime saturated with viruses. Also, bowels open up and air out blood accompanied by a sound of tooshie sheets...

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