
Thursday, April 11, 2013



Veiw heighten of the general public on this issue including the leaders

and the Questions which arised due to our gentlemans gentleman leaders actions and demands.

Our political leaders do not relieve how they translated the publics often justifiable fears about personal safety or hatred rates into a demand for expensive, untested policies that, to date, keep up done absolutely no subject to pre-empt or curb crime - and even less to rehabilitate or educate offenders out front release. Rather, the law and cast auction that began with Nick Greiners 1988 truth in sentencing legislation and continues today with mandatory sentencing has simply added to our already bursting jails. (I agree, and thats come to important)

The policy of my government is that he goes, Bush said. The worst thing that could happen would be to allow a nation manage Iraq, run by Saddam Hussein, to develop weapons of mass wipeout and then team up with terrorist organizations so they can coerce the world. Im not going to let that happen. (ironic isnt, the States gets to destory in the hold of protecting their so called democratic nation plainly Irag has to jut out because mr bush thinks they aptitude attack in the upcoming future day and cause mass destruction). If Irag teams ups with terrorist organisation, then America has to finanically support them? (get it) America is the leader of the terrosist organisation, as it funds 80% of their dirty work. e.g Taliban

In what panache are Australias strategic interests jeopardise by Iraq? How are they menaceened by Iraqs attacks on Iran and Kuwait, or Iraq posing a threat to Israel? Or Iraq being a destablising influence in the centre East? Iraq is not a credible threat to the US let alone Australia. Does there not have to be a threat of some(prenominal) sort to...

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Whilst you raise some interesting questions, their effect is really lost through abject structure and organisation.

Was this part of a longer essay?

That might explain why you start talking about Australia without both kind of link to your previous comments.

Anyway, so as not to be totally negative - I do homogeneous your concluding thoughts regarding peace, hope and life - so good selection there!

a bit short, but very persuasive and your stop is clear, i agree with u totally. Bush is a giving fat liar!!! sry to all those ppl who agree with wut he is doing. but i think u have a point and i also think u did a enceinte job!

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