
Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Personal Mugging Experience

Crime As I Know It...

        The immobilize scene is not my thing. I opine making that statement farsighted forrader the incident occurred. It happened late summer of 2003. My blighter took me to a bar named Sinibar. He is older than me, and was a regular at that bar. That do it easy for him to bewilder me in. I was eighteen at the time. I was anxious to go out and mingle with the older crowd. I tried to go out several times with my girlfriends. I was told repeatedly that it was dangerous. The crowd out on Friday wickednesss didnt seem to think it was dangerous. The only way I was booked out long was with my boyfriend.

        I was extremely excited. I bought a new outfit, wintry my hair, and did my nails. I made sure the locks on my jewelry were secured and that my garb werent wrinkled. We left to the bar at about 10 p.m. that Saturday night. We left from the bar a little after midnight. I wish we wouldve equitable waited a few more minutes. As we walked out of the bar, there was a line forming. It was rather cold outside. I held close to my boyfriend to keep warm. Neither of us had jackets. I had a sleeveless top on. We had walked quite a distance from the bar. The sidewalk was narrow. Whenever a group of people were walking opposite us, I would walk coffin nail my boyfriend to allow room for the other people. Our hands were still intertwined.

        Once we arrived at the street where the car was parked, we turned the corner. It was pretty dark overmaster the street. As soon as we turned, I saw a shadow coming towards us. I instinctively drew behind my boyfriend to let the persona pass. After that I froze. The figure came at me and yanked my chain from my neck. He did it casually , as if no crime was being committed. I made no noise, nor move. My boyfriend didnt realize what happened until he felt himself pulling me. He turned and saw me, stone-faced. The shadow had pulled the chain so disfranchised that it skinned my neck. I had nail marks on my toilet table from it. My boyfriend quickly went after the guy. I still hadnt moved. It was when I saw another man coming with a golf club that I ran to them. I started screaming enlistment it, you assholes! Leave him alone. I jumped in between them, Thankfully, they werent battle yet. My boyfriend told me to run and get out of the way. I couldnt listen to him. in that location were dickens guys, and one had a club. I didnt distribute what he was saying to me. I just kept trying to pull their attention away from my boyfriend. The dickens guys circled my boyfriend and started saying Come on punk, fight! punk rock ass, lets see! It was hard to make common sense of the actions occurring. Not only because of the darkness, also the shock I had nipping into. It didnt seem real to me. I didnt care about the necklace. I just didnt want anything uncivilised to happen.

        I started looking around and saw a non-white Chevy Blazer watching. I quickly knew they werent loss to help. That is where the guy with the club came out of. I knew it was going to get worse. I started screaming There are the cops, HELP! There really were no cops around. It made t he two guys instantly take off into the truck.

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My boyfriend hadnt seen the blazer, so he had no intentions to look for plate numbers. I was so glad they left that I ,also, made no flack to jot them down.

        After the car sped off. My boyfriend began yelling at me. Why wouldnt you get out of the way? contiguous time run. I wouldve gotten your necklace back! As I hear his words I felt horrible inside. I knew wherefore he was so focused on retrieving the necklace. The necklace had a trip up that was a half a heart. The words big child were engraved on it. My little sister had the other piece. I wore that charm everyday since she was born. Nine years later, it was torn from me.

         We keep to walk to the car, I was crying. I was extremely fearful that the guys would be waiting at the end of the street for us. Thankfully, they werent. Once we bevy off, we saw cops. We stopped and told them what happened. Unfortunately we didnt have affluent information for them to lead on. I couldnt even remember what the guys looked like. Everything was just a blur to me.

         My night ended terribly. It scares me to deal that you really arent safe anywhere. After that, I continuously made sure my jewelry wasnt flashy. I didnt want that incident to repeat itself. I carry macebearer with me at all times. My life changed over a nights span. I scorn that I walk at night and look behind my back repeatedly. What I hate more is that a single individual had the power to do that to me.

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