
Friday, April 12, 2013

Police Role Description in the Media

This paper is going to discuss cardinal different law role descriptions from the media: (a) the Crime Fighter, (b) Social Servant, (c) Order Maintainer, and (d) Crime Preventer. From these four roles we will discuss whether they are a ?real? or ?image? depicted, and then conclude with good media relation strategies.

The prime(prenominal) degree is of a Crime Fighter. In Tampa, Florida a surrogate sheriff was fired, and all of his pending cases might be tainted aft(prenominal) an internal investigation showed he might have wrongfully arrested drivers. An internal review showed that he might have falsified reports to im mortalate innocent battalion as impaired drivers. He arrested to a greater extent than 300 motorists on impaired driving charges from October 2005 to October 2006 (Associated, 2007). He did not record the incidents on his in car video camera for 40 percent of those cases. In other cases, the video turn out does not match his reports. Prosecutors already have dropped charges in 65 of those cases. The officials said he failed to follow standard procedures after DUI arrests. He relied on his memory to write reports and conducted DUI investigations with suspects in his patrol car. This story to me fits the real life role of a police officer who was doing what he was supposed to be doing, but got caught not by-line the proper procedures for doing so.

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(Associated, 2007)The second story relates to that of a Social Servant. jurisprudence officers are being trained to deal with homeless people exhibiting unstable behavior. Instead of dragging a homeless person to jail or calling an ambulance, police officers are learning how to identify signs of mental illness and ask a serial of questions that allow them to connect them to more appropriate services. The police regularize hundreds could be directed to the right assistance to...

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