
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Reviving American Democracy

Although an estimated 59% of the voting age population voted in the 2004 election, the largest tackle since 1968 (Chart: Voter Turnout), the Statesns vote in sm eacher come than they once did. Many voters feel that their participation does not matter, fleck others simply do not like the way our electoral system is set up. Nonvoting in America is a resolve of the flaws in Americas voting laws and electoral procedures and is a reflection of our dissipated political system. The democratic political system in America is in poor shape and needs to be ameliorate in tack together to improve its health.

safe unrestricted funding of all presidential and congressional campaigns needs to be adopted in order to improve the functioning of Americas democratic system. The Federal election Campaign Act of 1974 did not go far sufficient in reforming campaign pay law. Federal campaign finance laws piddle not achieved their desired goal of limiting the incline of well-funded special interest groups and deep-pocketed individuals on elections. Political parties and outside groups have taken advantage of loopholes in the law and, today, those with access to wealthiness have an advantage over the majority of Americans in influencing elections. Full public funding of all presidential and congressional campaigns would move up the current dependence of candidates on a relatively diminished number of large donors.

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Candidates would be required to gather large support from many individuals and would be forced to focus on the issues and the needs of their constituents, rather than fundraising (Nyhart and Claybrook 3). Even though full public financing might make the election system more fair, policy analyst Micah Sifry believes that it is no panacea and that big property will still influence politics through lobbying, sovereign expenditures, [and] funding think-thanks.... (Sifry 20) Although, full public financing would not whole eliminate the...

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