
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The drive

Driving through the dessert can be wearisome, fatiguing and all the things that you dread

in a long drive. Not this trip, it was the new beginning, I was on my vogue to find myself. I

had 14 hours to contemplate the reasons I was doing this. My friends said I was nuts,

family said I was stupid. Lets hitch, nuts and stupid, um, O.K. I guess everyone has their

own opinion. Its non really what I wanted to comprehend, but I could see their point.

Yuma, Arizona, my hometown, lived there for 10 years, graduated from high school, had

lots of friends, had a enceinte job, but one crucial element was missing, I just now wasnt happy

there. Everyone, including my family, (who by the way, all moved back south), said I had

everything going for me. I, on the other hand, did not feel that way. in that location were hundreds

of reasons why I should have stayed, carried on, but it only took a few significant reasons

to abandon my so called perfect heart in Yuma, Arizona.

I remember driving, looking out of the window at the mountains and clay colored rocks. I

realized just how beautiful it all was. Again, my thoughts morose back to my life. The man

I thought I would end up overlap my so-called perfect life with.

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I could see his face,

remember his smile, hear him laugh. Jim and I were great friends for a long while. Almost

a whole year, until I began to actually feel something stronger. I had never been in love

before and it had been an overwhelming feeling. At a party, I had too much to befuddle and

on the way home blurted out how I had felt. He smiled and drove chisel me home. The next

day he came...

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