
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Health Care Of Underprivileged Children Health And Social Care Essay

swellness Cargon Of low mob(prenominal) Children wellness And Social C atomic number 18 EssayIn September 2000, representatives from 189 part states of the United Nations met at United Nations headquarters in New York and adopt the millennium Declaration, a series of collective priorities on peace and security, the eradication of poerty, the environment and human rights.Following this declaration, a tick of eight goals, the Millennium Development finishs (MDGs) were drawn up as the blueprint to achieve detectable results and improve the put outs of people in developing countries by the tar claim meet of 2015.The eight MDGs acknowledge specific, measurable tar films and timelines, for developing countries as well as for donor countries, civil monastic order organizations and funding institutions such as the globe Bank. All nations agreed to to a lower placetake specific follow-up measures to ensure that these goals were achieved in their own countries and commitments withdraw been made to fund these initiatives.The MDGs Priorities for ChildrenEach tike is natural with the right to extract, food and nutrition, wellness and shelter, an command, and to participation, e attri providede and protection. The MDGs are especi all(prenominal) last(predicate)y simple(prenominal) for the well-being of children they promote wellness grapheme education protection against ab engage, ontogenesis and violence.Our report pertains to the following millennium development goalsGoal 1 uproot Extreme meagerness and HungerExtreme poverty hinders childrens main course to nutrition, wellness wish and education. Providing children with basic education, wellness care, nutrition and protection fulfills their rights, increasing their chances of survival and of a proceedsive future.Goal 2 Achieve Universal primeval EducationEducating children is a tool to achieve all the MDGs. Primary education as well as includes the education of wellness in which it is taugh t how to take care of wellness as pr stilltion is better than cure. Especially beca custom m just or so(prenominal) children in Pakistan direct the propensity to fall sick frequently and gum olibanum croup non continue their education. So for getting education the childs health should be untroubledguarded at all costs.Goal 6 Combat HIV / AIDS, Malaria and Other DiseasesDiseases downstairsmine the development in the third world countries malaria, measles, polio and tuberculosis cause the deaths of millions of children who do non spend a penny pricey nutrition, sanitation or healthcare. We terminate prevent this substantially by promoting long-term ancient health education and providing them with health indemnification to safeguard their futures.What is Primary Health Care?Primary health care is a vital and an indispensable care of your health and it is withal a foundation of the health care system which involves providing several initial essential level services to individual families and communities, by means of a team of health professionals, consultants and various doctors.Primary Health Care is found on 4 Key PillarsTeamsPHC is about on the job(p) in teams to provide beneficial health care facilities to communities and individual, and to improve the continuity of care. It also diminishes duplication by ensuring your access to proper health professionals.In formationPHC provides enhanced adroitness of information amid doctors and expanded access to information and using voguern tools uniform electronic health records and diagnostic devices to advance the eminence, access and coordination of health information.AccessPHC wees you great access to the right services when and where you need them.Healthy LivingPHC believes in your better care and focuses on prevention, inveterate conditions, and encouraging support for self-care.What Is Health damages? indemnification is loss by illness or tangible wound. It facilitates you with all kinds of expenses from Medicare to all kind of infirmary expenses. Health redress brush aside be directly purchased or net be accustomed to both respective employee.Importance of Health InsuranceHealth insurance provides health in an affordable way for you and your loved mavins that include your Medicare and family protection from the imposing fee of healthcare.(Rarely medical checkup bills faeces be m singletarily devastating and families pull by means of from such debts in a certain long period).Protects Your FutureWhen individual gets insurance of his car or home, they mean to protect their family and themselves from financial sufferers. Insuring your health is same as that. Health care is way much pricy than an insurance of other things.Read the facts belowThe average cost of a trip to the emergency manner for an adult is about $700, non including some(prenominal) hospital facilities, which whitethorn increase the bill to well over $1,000A broken leg can cost up to $7,500Average expenses for accouchement are up to $8,800, and well over $10,000 for C-section deliveryThe integrality cost of a hip replacement can track down a whopping $32,000Above instances sound scary, besides with the right innovation, one can protect Himself from most of these and other types of medical bills.Gets You the Care You Need some(prenominal) people who do not fetch health insurance fails to get the medical care they need. That is because they are worried about the best interference expenses. The key of beneficial health insurance is access to a expectant network of doctors and hospitals.Read the H.I benefits belowQuick and easy access to worthy medical needs.Peace of mind during a hard time because one knows they are covered.Affordable access to care and health information to backup you glee and healthyIs There A Need For Health Insurance In Pakistan?In Pakistan and India, at least one third of the 1.3 zillion lives in urban hubs and of this population estimated 400 million earn less(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) than $3 a day. The Pakistani government use just 0.9% of its gross domestic product on health and even India uses entirely 1.9% of its GDP on a woe entirey under-resourced, inundated public health sector. Thus 97% of all healthcare outlays occur from out-of-pocket and harmful medical costs and treating major(ip) diseases in low cost are a main precipitate of cohort poverty.Major Health Insurance Providers (Underwriters) In PakistanAllianz EFU Health InsuranceAdamjee Health InsuranceIGI Health InsuranceUnited Insurance confederation of PakistanAsia CarePak Qatar TakkafulHealth care for the disadvantagedDeveloping nations are overwhelmed by effort of under nutrition and a host of viruses. Outbreaks of diarrhoeal diseases give a rough steer to the vile hygiene of the confederacy (clean and safe drinking water is a dream for millions even now).In legion(predicate) nations health care is provided jointly by the government and the private sector, but the generateful of public health institutions are the altogether hope for the innocent people. The services of private hospitals are not up to the mark of the monumental bulk of population belonging to the low-income zone. The private zone is apparently come to only in remedial medicine and these hospitals and clinics are essentially run with a yield aim except for a happenful of society that runs on charitable founding. We cannot blame the former group as it is not their duty to offer unacquainted(p) health care to poor people. legion(predicate) ag expiryas aimed at the bar of transmissible diseases are run in under developed countries with the help of WHO, but even these agendas failed to give needed effect. The reasons for the bankruptcy of these national health agendas are multi factorial the vital being is the unavailing loom by the government officials implicated in implementing the agendas.(Rarely beneficiaries get less than 1% worth of what is imagined in the agenda).Consequently, the deprived of Pakistan are losing faith in the healthcare industry on the whole. The reasons can be summed up as follows escape of funds in the public health sector drop of resources and equipment in government hospitals need of spur in government hospitalsLack of native health educationPoor utilization of services outlawed staff recruitment in government hospitalsRampant illiteracy opposed allocation of fundsWhat is Naya Jeevan?NAYA JEEVAN is a not-for-profit hearty enterprise dedicated to enhancing the lives of low-income families.Naya Jeevan kit and caboodle in collaboration with incarnate, academic, and non-profit institutions so that a new wave of social responsibility can be catalyzed that can then be leveraged to micturate a positive sustainable outcome for all stakeholders.Naya Jeevan believes that philanthropy should not be a transient, ad-hoc event but be institutionalized as a fully integrated part of society.V isionTo provide underprivileged children and their families throughout the emerging world with tone and affordable access to catastrophic healthcare.ObjectivesReduction in poverty and mortality rates attributable to shrill infectious diseases and lack of apropos treatment.Reduction in disease outbreaks delinquent to lack of preventive care.Reduction in the incidence of recreational/ addictive substance abuse.Reduction in maternal mortality attributable to emerging pregnancy complications.Mitigation of urban child labor and child exploitation. bodied Social Responsibility through joint partnerships with the corporate, non-profit, academic and service sectors. interconnected social empowerment of the low income population.Business objectives to catalyze an ecosystem effectPoverty alleviationBy reducing the financial invasion of catastrophic medical expensesReduction in maternal/child moralityThrough timely intervention and 24/7 access to ambulances, medical doctors, ERs, trauma c enters, and so onImprovement in primary winding health outcomesThrough preventive health education and behavioral agitate storesReduction in substance/ medicate abuseThrough rehabilitation shop classs and access to treatment centersMitigation of child/labor/sexual/ personal abuseHealthy breadwinners go forth alter children to remain in inform and away from premature laborNaya Jeevan evaluate Added services24-hour medical hotline24/7 access to a sufficient medical doctorHelp with navigating the complex world of hospitalsHelp with claims management, hamlet and trouble-shootingBeneficiary orientation (Training)Animated interactive presentation at thickening premise by a qualified medical doctor (same set of doctors who manage the helpline).Managing expectations what is covered, what is not, where to go, access to hospitalsCase based claims scenariosBuilding of rapport and organized religion with beneficiariesAccess to subsidized OPD and pharmacy networkQuality checks on quantity of treatment at the treating hospitalHealth knowingness sessions (Workshops)Primary health care workshops on topics such asHealthy Heart ease up hygienicsDental hygieneNutrition and Weight ManagementAnti-smoking/ baccy dental issuesAnnual health check-ups (Screening)Head to toe examination at guests premiseNo compromise on working hoursEarly diagnosing of diseases and managementAggregate Annual Health Report of employees (a health-o-meter of the organization)Targeted Preventive Health Workshops based on the findingsHealth insurance of underprivileged nongovernmental organization schooltimechildren run crossways overviewIn February 2011, Naya Jeevan started on the innovative idea of insuring the health of children that fell under the umbrella of other NGOs. The idea was to provide quality healthcare to these children as they were willing to study but a disease or an injury incurred by them or a family member could potentially put an end to their dreams forever. Furth ermore, most of these children did not film any awareness about primary health care, or about ways of preventing/ mitigating common ailments prevalent in their locality. Thus they would end up going to untrained professionals with inadequate or no qualifications for treatment of such ailments/ injuries, further exacerbating not only the medical problem at hand but also the unstable financial conditions of their families.Project ImpactThis project is throwed to provide quality health care to underprivileged schoolchildren who cannot afford quality health which includes primary health care.Importance of AccessMost children are healthy. Some may ask, therefore access to health care is important for children. In some important ways they are distinct in age groups. For health services they are entirely dependent on their adult caregivers, and are unaware from the advantages of health care and its benefits.Childrens health needs are also significantly different from those of adults. Wi th the time children grown with a rapid change and it may cause them to get ill or get injure during their activities and if those diseases or injuries are not treated well so they can leave a huge affect on a childs physical and emotional development.The type, cruelty, and rate of health conditions that children practice also differ from adults. Childrens can experience a wider range of health issues if not experience been interpreted care well and even though certain childhood conditions are quite mild in single instances, they defend the tendency to pass along to life-long disabilities.For example, chronic ear infections, if unchecked, can lead to hearing impairment, and possibly education disabilities.The Limitations of InsuranceChildren arrive a beneficial impact on access when extending health insurance to low- income. This does not mean that children will inevitably have full access to health care, peculiarly the deprived ones.Insured low-income children use fewer serv ices than the richer, insured children. Moreover, poor children with insurance are less likely to go to a private physicians office and utilize community health centers, compared to their better-off counterparts. There are a number of reasons for these differences.The families of poor children with insurance face nonfinancial fences to health care that insurance cannot address, including transportation, child care, inconvenient location of services, and service hours that conflict with work. Children of immigrant families may face additional barriers, including an softness to speak in their primary language, fear of exile, and cultural conflicts with Western medicine.Therefore, providing insurance without developing a delivery system to serve the needs of low-income children does not have to produce the desired outcome of improved access to quality health care.NGO Schools under the Naya Jeevan health planThe project is a pilot to test out health insurance in NGO schools across Paki stan. In 2011 Naya Jeevan enrolled 8,334 NGO school children in the plan across the country. Participating Schools areManzil School, KarachiZindigi Trust, KarachiIISAR Foundation, KarachiDIL Schools, KhairpurMashal School, capital of PakistanManzil School (Karachi)Manzil is a Non-Profit Organization providing free education to children in the slum areas of Karachi. Starting with only 20 students in 2002, today Manzil has around 200 students who are being equipped with the highest quality of education, practical knowledge, skills and work ethics. It is situated in Quarter No1.Railway line snuggle Bath Island Clifton. Manzil was started by a PhD student at CBM Ms. Shazia Mirza, after she observe the socio-economic divide in the region. She lived near the slum in a well off neighborhood and her house maid came from Raitee Line Bastee. Sensitized by the proximity of this other world, she started the school in a one room rent out from her pocket currency. The majority of the community /bastee is ethnically blimpish Pathans. The winning of the trust of this community has been one of the major successes of the initiative.Zindagi Trust Schools (Karachi)Zindagi Trusts program educates children who work in the urban slums of Pakistan. With nearly 2800 students, a 2.2- year accelerated primary education course is taught to the children who spend most of their days toiling in car-repair shops other general stores in Karachi, Lahore Rawalpindi. Permission is sought from the students parents and employers before enrolling them in the free schools to ensure success. The use of Government Buildings allows for a proper school experience with circlerooms and blackboards.Right now Naya Jeevan is giving health plan to 7 such schools in Karachi.IISAR Foundation (Karachi)IISAR was founded in 1990 by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Saleem Siddiqui, with an aim to cede promote quality education irrespective of differences. IISAR is a world class center having concentrations in teaching and investigate, revelation-based knowledge and technology-based learning across the full range of the social, political and economic sciences. Its a non-profit organization and has an outstanding written report for academic excellence.Mashal school (Islamabad)Mashal is a self-funded school (i.e. registered trust), comprising of 406 children in classes ranging from nursery to class 8. These children face hardships at home, as well as at work, when merchandising items such as flowers, shopping bags and sweets, and washing cars on the streets. They have elfin choice, but to survive on their own in the companionship of gangs on the street. They are vulnerable to abuse and exploitations of all forms. Despite most of the childrens traumatic past experiences, through the assistance of Mashal School, they are able to overcome their inhibitions and at last develop a sense of trust and dignity which allows them to finally live their lives as children and possess a deserved sense of belongi ng.DIL schools (Khairpur)Developments in Literacy (DIL) has been working in Khairpur District, Sindh, since 1998. DILs mission is to combat illiteracy in the remote, underdeveloped regions of Pakistan by opening non-formal primary and middle schools for girls. DIL hopes to break the entrenched social taboos against female person literacy by working with the communities and gradually empowering young girls to improve their future prospects through education. However it is only possible for a child to concentrate on their studies when they are in good health. Education does not only include learning how to read and write but also the knowledge of how to whole tone after ones self and make ones life better. Thus DIL has embarked on a journey to improve both the health and nutritionary status as well as alleviate the levels of literacy in the children of Khairpur.PLI policyIn 2011 with co-operation and research we introduced Profit and Loss Insurance (PLI Policy). The difference betwe en the PLI Policy and the reparation insurance policy can be explained by analogy of attribute and debit. In conventional health insurance for the price of the premium you get a binding promise from the insurance company to cover claims under the plan. A group may have paid 50,000 PKR in premiums but apply services of up to 100,000 PKR. On the flip side they client may have not used any services and have lost all the money in the premium. A managed care/PLI manakin is similar to a debit card. You spend what you have and the insurance company charges a fee for that. However, if you have any money left over, it is carried over to the next year unlike the premiums. Also, because it is your money you can choose which claims you penury to settle in spite of them being policy exclusions.During this pilot year of micro-health care for children Naya Jeevan has tried to assess the efficacy of both models. The total insurance coverage limit for both was set at 50,000 PKR for the inpatie nt and the rest of the money used as a pool for outpatient expenses on a reimbursement basis. graphic RepresentationNumber of school childrenNumber of claimsHealth Awareness operate provided by Naya JeevanAga khan anti-tobacco workshop-Naya Jeevan partnered with Aga Khan University and there team of doctors delivered an anti-tobacco workshop at the schools. Many of the children re addicted to some form of tobacco over there. Thus many a(prenominal) have sub-mucosal fibrosis, which is an irreversible narrowing of the give tongue to cavity due to oral tobacco use. Two children were found to have pre-malignant oral lesions. AKU delivered this workshop free of cost.In-house preventive health workshops-Naya Jeevan believes in primary healthcare prevention. Children cant be in the best health if they dont have information about the disease process. Healthcare workshops belong to a mini interactive lecture series in collaboration with other corporate partners and the topics chosen are b ased upon the feedback received.Examples of healthcare workshops held to date are hand washing, dental and smoking/drug addiction, etc. Several workshops were delivered by our health check Services team, including Healthy Heart, Sad Teeth Happy Teeth, Dental hygienics and Hand Hygiene at schools.Re-fresher trainings-Trainings are also being given by Naya Jeevan to parents who come to attend unfluctuating parent-teacher meetings at the schools, and to the teachers/ administrative staff.We have been conducting refresher trainings in many of the NGO schools, and have come to realize, among many things, that it would be of great help if instead of visiting these schools and delivering the trainings in person, we could have these schools periodically play a video recording of our training whenever they had a substantial number of parents visiting the school.Challenges of the programData files are especially cumbersome. They are on hard copy and had to be re-entered into electronic for m. This takes a lot of time and effort. Even the cards distribution is a challenging area as they had to be delivered class wise.Problems of unaffordability (both time and monetary) of parents to reach the jury network hospitals according to existing protocols has been a major barrier. Many children only suffer minor medical problems and need outpatient treatment. Therefore, collaboration with reliable hospitals in their vicinity is in progress.Language barrier has resulted in poor keeping of information so off the beaten track(predicate). Therefore, repeated refresher trainings were given to parents and teachers so that they may know the proper use of card. The small number of rejected claims shows that re-fresher trainings were effective.Lack of trust from parents was also a challenge in the reimbursement process. Parents werent sure that we will reimburse the money and that too within a month. Other than this they were not comfortable in submitting original medical bills and receipts to us.Lack of availableness of audio-visual equipment/ electricity/ adequate space in every school to have got large groups of parents and teachers.The lack of interest shown by the teachers has been a major barrier. This has been puzzle out by fashioning them a stakeholder in the health plan also, with the sense that they will take responsibility of taking the lead on making the health plan more comprehensive for the children.The slow process of mount up funds in vicinity hospitals So far, Islamic global Medical Complex has been set up for Mashal School in Islamabad with plans for this model to be replicated to all schools systems.Keeping a proper school wise backup of claims that can be shown to anyone who wants to access the information anytime.why We Chose Naya JeevanNaya Jeevan targets that need of the underprivileged population that is not fulfilled by any other NGO i.e. affordable healthcare. Therefore, by increasing awareness about the importance of health ins urance, and prevention of basic medical and dental issues (that can cause devastating health-related and financial problems later), one can greatly impact the quality of life for many low-income people.Need assessmentThrough Naya Jeevan we think to visit schools and putting up a workshop regarding health to kid. From this counselor the schools were expecting that the children will adjust their routine that wuill help them to take care of their health. little resource was obtainable to present them that did not help to make children go fully aware with their health knowledge. We as health students have a lot of health awareness and of facts related to it which can be effortlessly distribute to those kids who are ignorant of diseases and health issues that need to be taken care of.Materials and equipmentSince these schools have no capital for organizing workshop we had to assemble every resource our self. All multimedia (speakers, projectors and screen) were organized by Naya Jeeva n. We arranged lifelike illustration and miniature stories regarding health and distributed among kids.Our volunteer workAs Naya Jeevan gives workshop to school children to improve the health education in and to increase awareness of how to take care of live. We volunteered with Naya Jeevan and visited one of the schools and gave workshops. This was quite an interactive session and we gave workshops in small groups so that they may understand well. This is quite a good learning for them and also for us.The following are the workshops we prepared and delivered for these schoolchildrenHand HygieneDescription http//t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbnANd9GcQvwd7yWW5ALmEZzijVQp0qSPcJA3RH57G9IRZevZXWqafhPy7BThe Naya Jeevan Hand Hygiene workshop was developed to enlighten our cute beneficiaries about the importance of keeping your reach clean as our hands are the primary tools that enable us to accomplish various tasks. At the same time it also serves as a main mode of transmission of various i nfectious agents.The key learning objectives of the workshop includeWhen is it necessary to wash hands?What are the proper steps of hand washing?What is feco-oral route of transmission of germs?What are the important infections that can banquet through feco-oral route and how can they be prevented? sequence 60 minutesInfectious DiseasesIn Pakistan, its the communicable diseases constitute the bulk of most illnesses. exactly in recent years we have seen epidemics such as breakbone fever fever. Description CUsersZaraDesktopimagesCAGJG6QU.jpgThis workshop discusses at length, the prevention and combat strategies for infections such as typhoid, malaria, dengue, gastroenteritis, various forms of hepatitis and other most prevalent ones in PakistanDuration 50 minutesDental HygieneDelivered by a dental practitioner, this workshop deals with all the common teeth issues that result from poor oral hygiene.The dentist talks about the proper way of brushing teeth and the products like Paan, Gutka, betel nuts, cigarette etc that must be avoided in order to discover oral hygiene.It also highlights some of the oral cancers that can result from use of addictive substances such as tobacco.Duration 30 minutes equilibrate DietDescription CUsersZaraDesktopdiet imagesimagesCAQNOBSE.jpgA balanced diet is one that includes the Recommended Dietary Allowances, also called RDAs, for all the essential nutrients. These include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.The physician discusses the nutritional requirements (in calories) for individuals based on gender, age, profession, physical activity and co-morbidities.Duration 50 minutesSustainability of resultsThe project strongly inculcates the spirit of giving back and community engagement. public exposure of a new idea goes through the following stagesKnowledge intellectionDecisionImplementationConfirmationProblems facedThe Schools had problems likeNon active function of teachers as of no personal benefit.Language fe nce. We have to speak in easy languageLack of partial resourcesBuilding faith in childrenRegulate in their ambiance.Schools were very keen on having their children screened, especially marrow and dental screenings.Children cannot afford the taking care of their and were sad that they cant even buy a toothpaste and will continue with tooth powderThe outcomes of these workshopsChildren specifically great children started taking care of their healthMore calls started coming on helpline regarding basis health informationThese workshops created so much impact on the children that they also educated their family about health.There was a major issue in the panel hospital that hospital staff did not treated the poor children well considering it was a private hospital. We went to these hospitals and talked to those hospitals to treat these children well.After a hebdomad we got calls from schools that these workshop created a big impact and wanted us to design more workshop for the kidsThe school also reported us that these workshops created a big living difference and major difference were seen.The school children used to eat a lot of bubble gum and beetles. After the workshop the school noticed that 30% stopped eating it.It was also identify by the schools that there should be refresher workshop as the children holding forget the things soon.This is a new product that has required constant tweaking throughout the year and training and re-training of the schools.NGO schools currently require very destination and regular contact throughout the year to encourage the expenditure of services.The product has to be as simple as possible with cashless card based services for everything including out-patient services. Re-imbursement scenarios have to be kept at a minimum.Teachers have to be active stake-holders.Conclusion and recommendationsAll children need health care, whether for regular check-ups, for episodic health problems such as ear infections, or for chronic con ditions. Because health services are relatively expensive, childrens access to care is mostly dependent on whether or not they have health insurance. Unfortunately, far too many children are not covered and therefore, do not receive needed care.The health plan in the original format has not been successful. Naya Jeevan has quickly moved in to alter the original plan and make sure that the children benefit from their coverage. These includeInsuring the teachers to make them a stakeholder in the childrens health. Most teachers are from the same community as the school and thus are the most important factor in increasing uptake of services.Depositing funds at a nearby identified network hospital is of essence. After the funds have been deposited, Naya

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