
Saturday, April 6, 2019

Moon Landing Exploratory Essay Essay Example for Free

moon about Landing Exploratory Essay EssayThe billet race, during the stone-cold War, all started with the launch of the first base artificial satellite, Sputnik 1. Although this shiny piece of metal ball sent unimportant beep-beep signals back to earth, it had a profound effect on the thinking of citizens and political science around the globe, especially on the United States. As tensions and pressures were building, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was created in 1958, to bring competing military space programs into one effort.Soon, they developed the rockets, built the space capsules and satellites, and hired astronauts to become space men. In addition, the United States government authorizedized there was a new frontier to be explored the synodic month. As a result, putting a man on the moon became an official governmental priority and the Apollo moon- set down program was established. In 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to walk on the moon.Controversies about the moon land began shortly after when Bill Kaysing, a moon hoax investigator, published We never went to the stargaze Americas Thirty Billion swipe in 1974. In addition, an organization called the Flat Earth Society, was the first to accuse NASA of faking the moon landing. Soon after, to a greater extent and more people, like scientists, professors or amateurs became concerned and wanted the find out the answer if the moon landing of 1969 was a hoax or a real event.There are five general claims regarding the falsification of the lunar success, each having their own significant proponents and evidences. However, the source of all conspiracies derives from Bill Kaysing. In John Moffets FOX documentary Conspiracy Theory Did we Land on the Moon? , Bill Kaysing shows strong beliefs that the moon landing was not real due to the following reasons despite the clarity of deep space, the starts were missing from downcast lunar skies, the American stick was waving even though there was no ir on the moon, and there was no blast crater beneath the lunar lander (Moffet). In addition, in Phillip C. Plaits book, Bad Astronomy Misconceptions and Misuses Revealed, from Astrology to the Moon Landing Hoax, many other conspiracy theorists argue that the unbelievably high temperature of the Moon should have killed the astronauts and the play of light and shadows in the start indicates that the photos are faked (Plait 157).These theories all put forward that the entire world was deceived by the NASA administration and probable the United States government for them to gain the pride and prestigiousness between the lunar landing events. Regardless of the conspiracy theories and the evidences, 94% of the United States population believes the moon landing was a real event, according to Frank Newports article, Landing a Man on the Moon The Publics View. In Tony Phillips article, The Great Moon Hoax, theories are debunked w ith explanations.He first explains why the pictures taken from the moon did not have stars. He states its difficult to capture something in truth bright and something else very dim on the same piece of film-typical emulsions as they dont have enough participating setting (Phillips). Then he explains why the flags waved despite vacuumed area Not every waving flag needs a breeze-at least not in space. When astronauts were planting the flagpole they rotated it back and forwards to better penetrate the lunar soil (Philips).The article also provides new evidence against the conspiracy supposition the moon rock, Big Muley. In moon rocks, there are isotopes that cannot be found on Earth. regular(a) if scientists wanted to make something like a Moon rock by, say, bombarding an Earth rock with high slide fastener atomic nuclei, they couldnt (Phillips). In addition, Phillip C. Plait agrees with Tony Phillips and comes to the same windups. For example he states there are no stars in the picture because, The stars are too faint to be seen in the images (Plait 159).However, unlike Tony Phillips, Plait explains the scientific reasons in depth. He claims astronauts have survived the incredibly high temperature of the Moon due to simple date counting. He explains, Moon spins on its axis once every 27 days which means deuce weeks of sunlight and two weeks of darkness the surface doesnt heat up the instant the sunlight touches itIt takes days for the lunar surface to get to its high temperature (Plait 166). The author of the paper believes the moon landing of 1969 really happened. The main reasons coming to this conclusion s that the lies could not be told by such huge amount of people and the theories can be all explained and understood with a little studying on physics and astronomy. If this were a hoax, more than a handful of people would have spoken up the secret. The author of this paper also believes that the photos and the films from NASA are real evidences, but have been misinterpreted due to the lack of knowledge on astronomy and physics. This topic still the Great Compromiser to be debated over because the moon landing was one of the magnificent scientific developments in world history.

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