
Thursday, April 4, 2019

Planning a Nutritional Education Program

Planning a feedingal fostering ProgramNutrition Education take insMajority of distaff captives nourish the thought of whether they pull up stakes have enough feed for themselves or for their families due to their incarceration. Half of them were incarnated most of their life and did not sack pop what had happened out placement those walls, so they might not be knowing how to shop and where to get sustenance, lacking the expertnesss to organize a meal, and do not know anything about sustenance assistance programs (1). They were so used of having hoi polloi to cook for them and because of restricted time they were not able to have much visible activity. The usage of literacy sources such(prenominal) as nutritional pamphlets and patterns could enable the prisoners to cultivate a goodly diet with regular physical activities. Pr in timeting them from any nutrition-related chronic disorder and attention them to maintain a flushed life-style. Implementing and develop ing intervention that rivetes on skill building and developing healthy lifestyle that incorporate good nutritional applys and physical activity (1). In addition, implementing education program on service sizes and calorie estimation, healthy food purchasing with work out, cooking classes and even food sanitation classes, as well as focal point on healthy eating with a balance diet helps decrease the risk of chronic disease. In summary, a political program for this level universe should include lessons on nutrition and childhood nutrition (portion sizes, nutritional balance and choice of food), skill in relation to cooking, budgeting, purchasing, and preparing (safe food handling practices and procedures), and physical activity habits.Social Cognitive possibilityThe major focus of this nutrition intervention is to apply and develop food management skill and making healthy food choices that include meal planning, shopping, and with limiting budget. By providing this skill to th e female inmates allow and ensure them the skills they require by following the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) for carriage change. The implementation of this theory was used by the robust Cents curriculum that will be followed for this nutrition intervention (2). SCT is based on the idea of having a loose learning environment, goal setting, providing opportunities to participate, and skill development to help foster behavior change (2). There argon eight key concepts in SCT which consist of environment, reciprocal determinism, self-regulation, behavioral cap big businessman, expectations, self-efficacy, observational learning, and reinforcement (3). In hale Cents, this program stresses on utilise t distributivelying lessons in a series to approach in influencing behavior change, providing a comfortable learning environment, dynamic interaction of the person, by knowing a person friendship and skill, help singles to apply with the acquaintance, group work is kick upstairsd , and goal setting using the information that ar world introduced during the lesson (4). Participants atomic number 18 express to improve their nutrition and food shopping skills through this program.The main issue with this send population is the lack of knowledge of how to shop and plan a meal with budget. When these female prison inmates argon released and re-enter into the society, they will seek for jobs but with their limited education and low literacy levels the chances of getting utilize are dismantle (5). Without a job, they will not have enough funds to buy food. Therefore, with this program change them to plan and shop on budget yet having a healthy lifestyle.This intervention started with addressing the reciprocal determinism of female inmates participating in Healthy Cents. In Lesson 1 discussed how to make healthy choices on a budget (2). The objectives about this lesson is to allow individual to practice choosing healthier alternatives familiar food and by f ind outing them the square(a) meaning of healthy foods. The curriculum emphasis on lecturing, focusing on circumscribe, provides information, and asking recall questions, focusing on dialogue learning techniques to generate interest and excitement about the topic lesson (2). Each lesson content activities for the amour to apply, they will be divided into a small group setting to do nigh group activities such as practicing with the information they learn, food tasting, and goal setting for individual. At the end of the class, the participation get to take base of operations tips or message handouts and recipe they tried in the lesson.ConceptNeed for Nutrition EducationStrategies for Change in LessonEnvironmentFemale inmates may not have feeler to healthy and nutritious foods because of where they live, lack of knowledge of what foods are considered healthy, and do not have enough money to buy foods.Provide information on what foods that are healthy, provide resources (MyPlate) and handouts that are consider healthy foods, and presentment ways to shop with budget (L1 -L6)Reciprocal DeterminismMajority of the female inmates that are being release are from low socioeconomic with limited access to food, limited nutrition education, low literacy which might cause this populations ability to change.Teach about smart shopping for fruits and vegetables (L1), having healthy snacks that they can afford (L2), developing a food budget (L3-L4), educate in planning a meal (L5), and food shopping on a budget (L6). Discuss the importance of these helps them to change the idea that they able to have a healthy lifestyle with a limited budget.Self-RegulationMany inmates who got release currently not practicing healthy eating habits, may need assistance in selecting appropriate goals, problem solving, monitoring, and even finding making.Aid with goal setting, problem solving, and decision making by encouraging the participants to take home handouts and recipes (L1-L6). Als o, encourage participants to use what they learned and participate in the discussion concerning their goals and decision (L1-L6).Behavioral CapabilityPrisoners need the knowledge and skill to manage their food after(prenominal) they are release, so they need assistance and education on how to devise healthy meals with alternatively low-budget healthy food options.Provide information and demonstration on how to shop and plan healthy meals and snacks in way that is easy to follow (L1, L2, L4-L6).ExpectationsWhile many female inmates may know that fruits, vegetables, whole grains are healthy for them, they may not believe that is impossible for them to purchase healthy items with low budget.Introduce recent ways to purchase healthy food options and encourage participants to try new recipes. Handouts and recipe sheets will be provided additional information and ideas to try after the lessons (L1-L6).Self-EfficacyThe place population may not live at the area where they are well acc ess to grocery stock certificate, therefore, they may not try before several(prenominal) of the foods.Promote and motivate the participants in trying new foods and make some changes with their diets. Handouts and recipe provided with additional recipe of trying other food options. (L1-L6)Observational LearningInmates are being confined with other prisoner in the cells so they often talked and learned from each other.Lessons are taught through observational learning that twisting group problem-solving discussion, listening, seeing, hearing and even asking can engage in and to promote understanding to participants (L1-L6)ReinforcementsThe target populations may not implement on healthy meals option because after they are released the chances of them getting employed are low (5) therefore lack of financial resources which lead to limited access to healthy food.Having low-income which suitable them to participate in food assistance programs. Inform the participants about food assist ance programs can help them to access and convey foods with higher nutritional quality (L3).CurriculumThe Healthy Cents program in an generation of food for thought Supplement Nutrition Education (FSNE) by University of Maryland. It is public houselished in the year 2015 and is funded by unify States Department of Agricultures SNAP-Ed. This curriculum is designed for adults, parents/fathers/mothers with low-income individuals and families who have limited food resources, limited budget to purchase and prepare healthy food at home. This program combines nutrition education and food resource management principles to encourage limited resource families to make healthy food choices that include making healthy choices on a budget, decreasing food expenses, developing a food budget, planning a meal, and food shopping on a budget (6). The curriculum links tools and methods for improved food resource management with USDA nutrition messages to stretch food dollars and encourage healthy food choices using MyPlate (6). These lessons were developed using the Social-Cognitive Theory. The program was created to get for 60 minutes per lesson and with the total of 12 lessons. The lesson will be started off with the whole group and so will be divided into smaller group of 4 participants each for discussion and activities.Educators able to easily follow along with the lesson plans because it is well-organized format. In the curriculum, there are handouts for the educators about materials that they need and things that are require for each lesson. There is a free d have gotloadable file called Healthy Cents from the USDA website with all the complete information infallible to facilitate the lessons. The lesson will inform about who, why, lesson length, where, and what about each topic, materials and supplies that are needed for the class, things to say and side notes for the educators, discussion questions for the participants, activities that will be doing for each les son, new recipe to try, as well as handouts for the learners. afterwards taking a sample handout from the take home tips, the handout was found to be a 4.3 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level on Microsoft Word. However, not all handout contains the same literacy level. One of the handout has a grade level of 8.9. Some of the handouts are appropriate yet some is not appropriate for the target population, because with their limited education and low literacy levels (5) and about 68% did not receive high school sheepskin (7), it will be hard for them to comprehend the harder and higher literacy information on their own.It is important to point out that Healthy Cents contain total of 12 lessons in the curriculum. In this assignment, it will be shorten to 6 lessons that are relevance to this target populations needs. Everyone is provided with a copy of handout about the lesson and recipe to bring home with them.Lesson 1 Making Healthy Choices on a Budget. The first lesson stresses the importance about what is healthy food using MyPlate poster and how to afford and shop smartly for fresh produces. The major goal is to able to choose healthier alternatives to familiar foods and able to identify different ways to buy fresh produce using coupons and with limited budget.Lesson 2 Decreasing Food Expenses. The objective of this lesson is to help individual or families to buy healthy snacks that are affordable. Participants will compare the cost of buying individually packaged snacks to bulk package, make their own snacks and understand that snacks can be affordable to made at home and healthy. they will also practice to read nutrition facts labels to identify healthy foods.Lesson 3 Developing a Food Budget. This lesson is intended to teach the participants to choose between food needs and food wants also developing a plan on estimation food expenses. The participants will learn the 5 food groups that made up of a healthy plate and learn to plan for monthly food budget. They will play a board racy that related to the lesson and try some new food that they can make for themselves.Lesson 4 Community Food Assistance Programs. Participants will have the opportunity to get resources and examine the food assistance programs that are lendable in the community. practice saving money using coupons to purchase healthier items.Lesson 5 Planning a Meal to Make Life Simpler. This lesson will allow the participants to know the benefits of meal planning and acquire skills needed for developing a weekly meal plan. The learners will taste a healthy recipe that is honest to prepare.Lesson 6 Food scabping on a Budget. Participants will learn about shopping strategies Practice using unit price compare to prices at the grocery store. Explore the layout of a grocery store and how to find lower cost items by looking at the products on shelves below eye level. demand the participants to choose one new strategy to try for saving money at the grocery store.This curriculum is p referably complete, however there is a gap in the program. The involvement of others who have chronic disease in the program will face challenges. As we know, from the nutrition assessment that there are quite many of inmates have chronic disease due to the foods being served in the prison and lack of physical activities, therefore some might face the challenge of health-related nutrition concerns. They do not have the knowledge on what kind of food and nutrition that meet the needs of their body. Perhaps modifying the intervention to involve lesson on obesity, malnutrition, diabetes, and other chronic diseases that require certain kind of foods and provide alternative food options to help lower health risks that would make it more complete.Other Program ComponentsAs the target population focuses on female inmates, it is important to consider a wider age range. This intervention educates on budgeting and how to shop with limited resources. It educates and incorporation of knowledge for healthy food options. It shows about meal planning and budgeting shopping, however it did not educate about portion sizes. American food culture is well known for big portion they might have careful and plan their meal but without the proper portion sizes will cause them to over eat which will lead to overweight and obese. Other than portion size, providing hands-on approach and educating on how to prepare meals will have beneficial to the target population.In addition, studies have showed that female inmates must overcome their unique social, mental, emotional, and physical challenges that prevent their ability to blend smoothly back into the society (8). Therefore, emphasis on discussing healthy lifestyle choices and habits for individual or families to create an environment that allows for positive behavior change (8) is extremely important to this population.References Decker, Jennifer and Dharod, Jigna. Nutrition Education Needs of Women Being Released from Prison. Maine Nutrition Network, USM. USDA, Food Stamp Nutrition Education, 2006. Website. Available at https//snaped.fns.usda.gov/snap/resourcefinder/WomenReleasedFromPrison.pdf. Accessed swear out 1, 2017.Boyle Marie A. Community Nutrition in Action An Entrepreneurial Approach 7th ed. Boston, MA pp 87. Textbook. Published 2016. Accessed swear out 25, 2017.United States Department of Agriculture. Healthy Cents. 2015. Website. Available on https//snaped.fns.usda.gov/materials/healthy-cents. Accessed on surround 26, 2017.Astray-Caneda, Vivian, Busbee, Malika and Fanning, Markell. Social Learning Theory and Prison Work Release Programs. Florida International University, USA. 2013. Website. Available at http//digitalcommons.fiu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1165context=sferc. Accessed March 26, 2017Learning to Shop Wisely for Nutritious Foods Makes Healthy Cents. Food Supplement Nutrition Program. University of Maryland Extension. 2017. Website. Available at http//extension.umd.edu/fsne/fsne-ad ult-programs/learning-shop-wisely-nutritious-foods-makes-healthy-cents. Accessed March 26, 2017.Harlow, Caroline Wolf. Ph.D. BJS Statistician. Education and Correctional Populations. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Revised January 2003. Website. Available at https//www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/ecp.pdf. Accessed March 27, 2017.Reentry Programs for Women Inmates. Washington, DC U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. Journal Issue No. 252. June 2003. Website. Available at https//nij.gov/journals/252/Pages/reentry.aspx. Accessed March 26, 2017.

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