
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Free writers: a Problem and a Solution.

Free writers are a threat to world unhurtty. Free writers be to undermine global security in a course of ways. Free makeup supports and encourages environmental destruction, global warming, child labor, and most importantly: terrorism. Im sure youre asking yourself what kind of twisted soul could even find a remote connection among any of these topics. I for compress show you that my argument is analytical and sane.

What are the two basic necessities of big writing? You take on a pen and newspaper. Let us focus on the paper for the time being, much on the pen will follow. It is common knowledge that paper comes from trees. You have to kill trees to free write. It is also common knowledge that cutting down trees is non good for the environment. You can now see how free writing is joined to environmental destruction. My notebook computer says it was made in Brazil. in that respect are a whole lot of trees in Brazil.

A salient portion of the Amazon rainforest is situated in Brazil. I think I can safely infer that that the paper in my notebook came from the Amazon rainforest. Scientific studies have linked the destruction of the rainforests to a rise in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. CO2 has been linked to the Greenhouse Effect.

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The Greenhouse Effect causes the hide to become artificially warm, thus, global warming. I think it is safe to say free writing encourages and even enhances global warming. What if your notebook was made in China? Well, that a whole several(predicate) ballgame.

There is a common labor method used in China called the sweatshop. Sweatshops are staffed by children. Common practice in sweatshops is to have young children work twelve or more hours a day for only pennies per hour. Buying the products these sweatshops...

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