
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Study notes on oratorical techniques used by speakers to achieve their purpose

What different proficiencys do pro/anti anti-Semite(a) speakers retrace routine of in order to persuade the auditor and achieve their point?Through research, I came to the realization that the proficiencys used by speakers on to each one side of the debate ar quite similar. The resole difference is in HOW the proficiencys argon used. I entrust quiz this claim by discussing and comparing techniques used by each speaker in the main facets that define successful oratory, these cosmos Audience Connection, choice of words, and structure. The actual deli truly of the vernacular is non covered, due to the fact that I could not find strait recordings for any(prenominal) of the speeches. Further more(prenominal), the use of for sale devices will not be discussed as it is covered in a later question. Martin Luther mogul uses positive and electronegative connotations ( delivery technique) in his ?I declare a dream? speech to help him achieve his character. An ?oasis of exemption? is looked upon favourably by mightiness. The word ?oasis? is defined as; ?a fertile spot in the desert where body of water is tack?. By swearing this, top executive is suggesting that indep eradicateence from separationism will promote a fertile nation ? a nation in which ?? the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of br early(a)hood?. Equality enables everyone to reach their honest electric potential and through his positive language power voices this belief. Equality fosters a virile and ?fertile? nation.

King employs a negative connotation in stark contrast with the positive one to move on prove his point and achieve his purpose. ?The heat of darkness? implies that injustice will ready friction between the two races and create trouble. A term commonly used today, ?heat? in fact defines the amount of attention you train from the police ? the higher(prenominal) the heat the more attention you have due to organism in trouble. King was talking about trouble in legal injury of peaceful protest not the latter. Heat is in any case synonymous with thirst and drought. By saying this, King is revealing that injustice will cause the country to be in a metaphorical drought and unable to reach its dependable potential.

Hitler uses the comparable language technique, me assert for the exact opposite. He uses the technique to convince mint that the Jews are inferior and stinky for Ger numerous whereas King employs it to reveal that racism and sequestration is in fact stinky for the country. ?Don?t bet you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care to rid the nation of the newsboy of that racial tuberculosis. This Jewish contamination will not settle; this poisoning of the nation will not end??By referring to the Jews as a contagious disease and something poisonous Hitler is increase the hatred of them that many German people already have. A disease is something that you want to get rid of, this is Hitler?s intend rig and he wants the German people to realise this too. As you can see, both speakers use connotations but to serve a completely different purpose. King uses them to show us that separatism and unfair rights based on racial equipment casualty is bad for America?s developwork forcet (thus the association of oasis and license contrasted to heat with injustice) whereas Hitler uses the same technique to convince us that separatism and racism are the only guidances for Germany to prosper; he counts the Jews are ?poisoning? Germany.

Both speakers too use exclamation marks (geomorphologic technique) to help achieve their purpose. Interestingly, they both use the technique to create the same effect, a sense of urgency. Hitler urges, ?...Total separation, total separatism!? from the Jews. No half mea certainlys with Mr.Hitler here. De recognizered with a ?do or I?ll kill you expression?, I was certainly persuaded into believing what the swashbuckler had to say. Comparatively, King urges ?Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of carbon monoxide!? King wants to inspire the listener with his lyrical language (comparing freedom to snow-capped Rockies ? metaphor) and create a sense of urgency at the same condemnation. As a listener, I certainly matte up inspired and a great hunger for freedom.

Somewhat of a cliché as far as speaking devices go, the personal pronoun ?we? (audience connection) was also used by both speakers. Again, for a different effect. Predictably, Hitler states ?We corroborate we are not going to abandon the struggle until the last-place Jew in Europe has been exterminated and is actu entirelyy dead.? aft(prenominal) researching into some German history, I came to the conclusion that this put across was mainly for the ears of non-Germans. At the cartridge holder, Hitler and over crowded Germany suggested that other nations, such as America, transfer in the Jews. However, these nations were not so keen. I understood this metre to be a threat to the other nations. I came to believe that ?we? was used in an imposing manner in this sentence, scope considered. The emphasis on ?we? highlights that it is not just Hitler that advocates the extermination of the Jews but every German. The collective ?we? of the whole nation sounds much more ominous and threatening and would therefore make many nations weigh again about refusing the Jews. With the whole nation behind him, the proposed depute of the Jews seems much more realistic.

King also uses the personal pronoun ?we?. ?We essentialiness forever conduct our struggle on the high glance over of dignity and check up on?. The effect of using ?we? works abideardized this; it makes the listener realise that there are no exceptions; we each(prenominal) must act like this. The ?you?re part of the team up? mentality watchs into play here. If you don?t act in a dignified and disciplined manner then you are letting us down. King knows that violence seldom promotes motley; it just hardens the governments? heart and shuts the door to vary. So, everyone must act then if they want to see a significant change for the vitriolic civil rights issue in America. Secondly, it makes everyone facial expression like they are part of the team and that THEY PERSONALLY are in some small way helping bring about change in America by acting with ?dignity and discipline?.

As you can see, specific techniques are not reorient with a specific purpose. In other words, select orators do not use different techniques but use the same techniques differently. As long as it is aligned with the purpose of the speech and get?s the pith across then ?bravo?. There is no secret code that says that pro racist speakers cannot use a paradox, and vice versa. From what my research suggests, the orator uses the al virtually appropriate technique to deliver his message in the most efficient and hard-hitting was as possible. King uses language techniques, structural techniques and audience connection techniques, - and Hitler likewise. King wants segregation and racism to end whereas Hitler welcomes both of these with open arms. So, do pro/anti racial speakers use different techniques to get their messages across to the audience? To respond in a blunt manner, no. They use the technique that best gets their message across and achieves their purpose. To illustrate this with an analogy, wherefore should a builder use a wrench to bang in a nail when he has the more suited to the stemma hammer at his disposal?To what extent are dishonest devices used on each side of the debate?After analysing my speeches, I pull in that Martin Luther King (anti racism) rarely uses dishonest devices. I will discuss why this is the case later on in my response. His use of dishonest devices seemed to start and end with negative image projection. An practice of this is ??Dark and desolate valley of segregation?. By using the world ?desolate?, King wants us to realise that segregation creates more than the obvious physical barriers between races (transport, work places, etc). The dictionary defines ?desolate? as giving an legal opinion of bleak and dismal emptiness and associates the word with ascertaining scummy or unhappy. The Negro people are separated from the blanks in not only physical ways but in morality also. Through segregation, the message given to the Negro is brutally simple. ?You are inferior?. Obviously, both purity man and dusky man are no different in terms of physicality. There are physically strong white men and shadowy men - their physical limitations are no different. The ?low quality? that segregation places upon the Negro causes many white people to think of them as bad people and lacking the moral philosophy and beliefs of the white man. Consequently, the Negroes are then treated as subhuman which causes them to feel ?wretched and unhappy?.

King calls it a ?valley of segregation? for a reason. A valley is an area of low launch surrounded by high ground, usually hills or mountains. This is an illusion. requisition causes the Negro to begin deportment at the bottom of the pile. separatism can be nothing other than a valley; it prevents Negroes from rising out of their poverty and illiteracy, therefore leaving them for good at the bottom of the social strata. The word ?dark? is synonymous with evil. King wants us to realise that segregation is sadistic and the repercussions are far greater than the actual physical barriers. I found this use of negative image projection very effective because it helped me to thoroughly understand the colossal effects that segregation has on its victims.

Hitler, however, uses many dishonest devices. ?Only when this Jewish bacillus infecting the life of the people has been removed can one hope to founder a co-operation amongst the nations which shall be built up on unchangeable understanding.? This use of circular reasoning implies that Germany can only co-operate with other nations once the Jews have been removed. I perceived this to be a threat, ?we will not co-operate until the Jews are eradicated from Germany?. This is effective because it sends out the message that Germany is serious and has every intention to solve the ?Jewish line of work?. Additionally, this line also displays ?Argumentum ad Hominen?. Hitler is directly attacking the Jews when he refers to them as parasitic bacteria. This relays a strong message to the people of Germany, it tells them that the Jews are ?infecting? them and therefore ?justifies? the need to ?remove? the bacillus transmission ( the Jewish people) for the greater good of Germany.

Similarly, statements such as ? wherefore does the world shed crocodiles tears over the richly merit fate of a small Jewish minority? and case to the Jewish people as ?parasites? and other repugnant adjectives are used for the same or similar effect. By eternally using dishonest devices to rilebish the Jewish people, Hitler?s message of anti-Semitic hate becomes lodged into the listener?s brain, which is what Hitler intended.

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Is it fair to say that anti-racial speakers use a minimal amount of dishonest devices and that pro-racial speakers rely on them excessively? No. Just because one speaker uses these devices to achieve his purpose does not mean that other speakers fleck for the same cause do. Hitler recognized that the wave of appeasement move through Europe at the time would enable him to stand an aggressive stance in order to achieve his aims. Therefore, Hitler acted because and adopted an aggressive stance. He was in power at the time, and thus controlled the media and government. In other words, he could say what he liked with minimal fear of retribution.

King, on the other hand, was a pastor with little power and could not get international with whatever he wanted. He was trying to persuade the American government into breaking the shackles of segregation. Taking this into consideration, he deemed it unwise to rub the government up the wrong way, as aggression, in this circumstance, would have prevented change. Your upbringing and personal beliefs also have some function on your speaking style. As a pastor and a Christian, King was hardly going to racially abuse white people, was he? Malcolm X, another speaker advocating the abolishment of segregation in America at the time, was much more aggressive than King and believed that you had to be firm if you wanted to be taken seriously. In, summation, what you?re speaking about has little or no effect on the amount of dishonest devices you employ. Circumstance, upbringing, and beliefs define your stance towards the bailiwick at hand, and how you go about getting your message across to the audience. As Kal Penn (Van Wilder 2) says, there is more than one way to skin a mongoose.

Using your analysed speeches as the basis for your discussion, how and why have racism speeches changed over time?I realised that the language utilised in the 1920-1940 time bracket was very blunt and to the point. ?No German can be expect to live under the same roof as Jews. The Jews must be chased out of our houses and our residential districts and made to live in rows or blocks of houses where they can keep to themselves and come into intimacy with Germans as little as possible.? Here Hitler outlines what must materialise for the desired outcome to be achieved; he wastes no time with pleasantries, he just gets his message across firmly - the use of the imperative ?must? proves this. I found this approach to be very effective, because it shows us that Hitler is not to be messed with. The certainty in his statements (portrayed through the use of must) shows the listener that he is a strong and confident leader; this therefore makes people more involuntary to believe what he has to say. Obviously, if a leader is not sure of himself then many people will be unwilling to follow him.

Kings speeches, of the 1960s, are very indulgent in terms of the time taken to get the message across to the audience. In his ?I?ve been to a mountaintop? speech, King states, ? I would even come to the day of the spiritual rebirth, and get a quick picture of all the Renaissance did for the cultural and aesthetic life of man?? Obviously, this statement has no direct correlation to racism. King?s purpose for including this and other similar statements is to arouse the emotions of the listener. Once this is achieved, he eventually gets back to the point at hand. This is effective because it causes the listener to feel passionate about the cause, thus making them more in all likelihood to do something about it. Personally, I believe this type of language to be ineffective. The majority of the audience is made up of black people. Due to segregation, I think that it is fair to say that many of these black people were slaves and were therefore illiterate. So, to talk about the Renaissance is not relevant, audience considered. Many of the black people could not spell, nor read, nor write, so how can you expect them to know what the renaissance is? If the listener cannot understand what you are talking about then you are wasting words. In order to achieve the desired effect, King would have needed to speak in simper terms.

Obviously, racial speeches have changed overtime, but why? Why are the speeches so different in terms of the speakers approach to the debate? I believe this is determined by external forces. Such as societal values at the time, the place of the speech, the current events, morals of the speaker, and of course the specific event which the speaker is discussing. For example, around the 1920-40 time frame, war was looming. Hitler had to be firm and demanding otherwise he could have been perceived as weak. When your intentions are to wipe out a whole race based on racial grounds, you cannot show weakness or you will be challenged. As my example illustrates, there are reasons why speakers choose to approach the topic in a different manner. It is not the era that defines the make up of your speech but the circumstances. Orators approach the speech differently, depending on the circumstances, not the ERA.


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