CHAP. 19 DRIFTING TOWARD DISUNION 1854-1861 The Kansas Territory causes violence between master slaveholding and antislaveholding factions in 1855. The Dred Scott decision invalidated the Missouri agree of 1820 which had put a shaky lid on the slavery prob. 4 much than a generation. STOWE AND HELPER: LITERARY INCENDIARIES *In 1852 Harriet Beecher Stowe published Uncle Toms confine in a protest against the cold fugitive slave law and utilized to alert the N. of the detestation of slavery(splitting of families). She believed that God had helped her bring through it therefore it was another reminder of how the 2nd Great modify affected the masses oMillions of copies were throw due it being translated into diff. languages. oIt ran as a play. Lincoln, so youre the puny woman that help started this great war after schooling this curb many swore they would enforce the walkaway Slave Law. capital of the United Kingdom and Paris had seriously considered intervening slip noose the complaisant war however they knew that their ppl who had been aroused by the Tom-mania king at a time support them *Hinton R. henchman: in 1857 The Impending Crisis of the southerly came out. Helper was a white nonaristocratic from N. Carolina who hated both slavery and blacks. He attempted to prove thru statistics that indirectly the nonslaveholding whites were the ones who suffered most from slavery. His book was censor in the S.

but in the N. he sold thousands of copies. consequence: increases the Souths belief that they must separate themselves from the N. THE NORTH-SOUTH CONTEST FOR KANSAS *Kansas wa s an exp. of pop. Sovereignty. briskcomers ! to Kansas were more very much than not northerners in search of rich lands, small office staff was abolitionists/free-soilers. *New England Emigrant Aid Company: sent well-nigh 2000 ppl to Kansas to foresee the S.& 2 make a profit. *S. spokesmen were dotty since they had... If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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