
Thursday, April 11, 2013

The doomed empire - USSR (Soviet Union)

quickly done night before satiafactory

The Doomed Empire

        Introduction:         The 1940s and the bordering quad decades after, were a time of bitter

struggle between the US and the Soviet Union. National identity as well as ideological

differences brought both countries to the brink of nuclear war, a revolutionary style of

warf ar create the most disastrous demographic disaster known to man. there are

numerous speculations on who actually started the war. It can be argued both ways that

both the US and the USSR acted offensively towards each early(a). But the only authorized fact is

that one represented an open democracy and the other a closed totalitarian system and

both were the only genuinely superpowers left standing after World war II.1 This split

generated a bipolar effect bringing the entire world into a game of tug of war between the

two superpowers. Through step up the four decades actual combative war never broke bulge out but

in turn a similar game of chess was played. star country would move and the other would

countermove. It was finally America that came out on top and the Soviet Union a

collapsed failure, but non necessarily because the US was stronger and out muscled the

Soviets militarily. The end of the Cold War was primarily due to economic factors.

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        What America proved was that the providence works best when the government

stays out and individuals within the society do the work.2 It is only the individuals within

the society that truly understand what products are in demand. Under Communist regime

a few select rulers decide what are the needs of the society, what resources are their

countrys scarcities, and how to obtain these scarcities. Finding this information is a big

job and requires endless amounts of domestic attention. With this in mind the quote

Natures laws are...

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