
Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Shadow Of The Dragon By: Sherry Garland          The

The Shadow Of The Dragon By: Sherry Garland          The coming of bestride The Shadow of The Dragon written, by Sherry Garland, explains the life of a Vietnamese boy who comes to America. The entertain is great for learning ab disclose multitude who come to America from contrasting life styles. The theme of the book is always respect the people in your family, and n perpetually underestimation the power of hate.

        Danny and his Vietnamese family comes to America illegally by boat, when he was eight years old. He goes to school and learns how to talk and to move like other children. He does this cautiously because his family is afraid of acquire sent back to Vietnam. His family still celebrates their family customs and belief with the others who came with them, and just about modernistic assistants. They like to celebrate their culture even though they had such a challenging time in Vietnam.

        Danny starts to tally with people when he starts to go to high school. He is a extremely smart guy with the help of his best friend Calvin. In the book the author shows us how quite Danny employ to be until he notices girls. She shows us this because he barely ever talks and always sits in the back of the classroom. He starts to install his emotions when he starts to like a girl named Tiffany. Tiffanys chum salmon is a part of a gang called the Cobras. The gang starts vandalizing different places, such as Dannys Uncles store.

        Sang Lee, Dannys cousin comes to America after(prenominal) being let out of a camp. While in camp he meets this boy who has a gang in the same town as Dannys family. He gets tied up between his family and new friends. He starts to get into mischief, which is not honorable in his family. He starts to gamble and tries to tour, but nominate not.

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In trying to stop and getting Danny more(prenominal) involved with Tiffany he finds himself in fortune of danger. He was in so much trouble he is beaten to death by the Cobras. Dannys family decides to move to a safer environment to start a new life.

        In this narrative Danny is trying to help his adolescent cousin, but it never whole kit and caboodle out. His cousin only gets in more trouble which ends up in death. This is a very good visual of austereness of people from different cultures trying to fit in, but can not. I think this was a great book and taught me more about the difficulty in trying to fit in. And after reading this book it made me start thinking of my family more. And it taught me not to take life for granted, and to listen to my elders.

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